about SAM

Meet Samantha, our qualified Art Therapist with over 4 years of experience working with diverse populations, including individuals with special needs and corporate groups. She holds a Masters in Art Therapy and has a passion for integrating sensorial experiences into her practice. She has embarked on a journey of exploring multi-sensory programs to enhance the therapeutic experience for her clients. Samantha's background as a cake artist has influenced her creative approach to therapy, which combines her knowledge of psychology and edible art. She also offers 1:1 sessions where she guides you through the process of using art journaling and/or talk therapy to express yourself and tap into your inner thoughts and emotions. Through her support, you'll gain greater insight and self-awareness while developing a deeper connection with yourself and nature.

Let’s get personal...

My career path has been a journey of self-discovery that I never planned out. Growing up, I was always interested in the arts, but I never had the opportunity to pursue it further. The art club I used to join as a co-curricular activity at 9 years old was closed after 3 months due to low attendance, and the secondary school I chose didn't offer Art as a subject.

At 24 years old, I co-founded CUPPLETS, an artisan cake business, and decided to take a plunge with creativity. I had no experience in the Arts and in culinary. This was my own self-exploration into the world of art. As the business progressed, I began to experience inner transformation, although I couldn't describe what was going on. Living with anxiety for a long time, I found myself diving into the process of sublimation and creating an array of signature cake creations. Embracing my creative persona and finding myself in a comfortable career position with CUPPLETS was a huge boost to my self-esteem, but I still felt there was a missing piece in my career journey.

In 2018, while reading the newspaper, I came across an article about an Art Therapist. The job title sounded interesting, but I was drawn to its familiarity of what the role entails. I was not able to describe why I was excited at that moment, but it felt like finding my missing piece. That moment led to my frequent encounters with butterflies, and I decided to document them as proof to myself that I was on the right path whenever it became challenging. I pursued my Masters and graduated when the pandemic started in early-mid 2020.

At 30, I thought I had my life figured out since I had completed my puzzle. The truth was far from it. I found it hard to accept this new-found role of an art therapist; it was an innate struggle. I experienced my own set of existential crises and spiralled down into a roller coaster ride of self-work to rebuild a brand new and authentic relationship with myself. After 3 years of piecing all the puzzles and finding a true sense of self-acceptance and growth, I am now confident and ready to embark on my personal calling.

“We are not bound by the attachments formed in our past. Despite life's challenges, we hold the power to forge new, positive relationships with ourselves and those we hold dear. By doing so, we embark on a path of authenticity and self-discovery. This is the essence of life.”

- Samantha

Photo taken by Mamre Oaks

Mamre Oaks is a day centre for adults with special needs. For more information, please visit www.mamreoaks.sg

My experience working as an Art Therapist with the special needs community has shaped my outlook on life.

Here are some lessons I've learned:

1.    Avoid assumptions and approach each individual with curiosity, as each person's needs and behaviors are unique.

2.    Maintain hope, even when outcomes seem bleak, as change is possible.

3.    Patience is essential in supporting individuals with special needs, and also those without.

4.    Change can be subtle and should not be expected to be dramatic or life-changing.

5.    Everyone, including those deemed least vulnerable, needs support.

6.    Therapists must continue to learn and receive support to be effective.

Through my work, I've come to accept and embrace my own vulnerability and use it to connect with others. It's important to recognize that vulnerability is not a weakness, but rather a fundamental part of living an authentic life.



“Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual.”

-       Viktor E Frankl

“Forgive the past. It is over. Learn from it and let go. People are constantly changing and growing. Do not cling to a limited, disconnected, negative image of a person in the past. See that person now. Your relationship is always alive and changing.”

-       Brian Weiss

“Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and to reflect it toward others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.”

-       Etty Hillesum


artist| art therapist| educator

Ennegram 7 w 8



Enjoy a good sense of humour

Always inquisitive

creative enthusiast| wonderer

enjoy basking in nature, love the Sun


hobby: nature, art, poetry, books, singing, coffee, hiking, meaningful interaction…

music: country |oldies
